Mario Cassar initiates a discussion with "SACRED RUBBINGS/OUT OF BOUNDS". Doesn't art for art sake stand on its own? Cover picture: Insight into the exhibition SACRED RUBBINGS/OUT OF BOUNDS Credits: Daniel Cilia
On June 2nd the exhibition „SACRED RUBBINGS“ by Mario Cassar started. The artworks of Mario Cassar will be shown in the Ministry of the island of Gozo / Malta until June 25th. But for whom? Because visitors are expressly not „allowed“ – the motto is: OUT OF BOUNDS.
We give exclusive insights and spoke to the artist about the idea and the concept. All photos are from Malta’s top photographer Daniel Cilia.

Doesn’t art for art sake stand on its own?
While most artists would probably be sad if no one comes to their exhibition, Cassar makes exactly that his concept. Cassar shows that art can stand on its own. Out of Bounds is an extension of the SACRED RUBBINGS exhibiton that was open to the public „normally“ and attracted hundreds of visitors at the premiere in Valletta.
The works on paper where Cassar used graphite and red ink generated a huge interest both in Malta and abroad, the effort for the completion of the works was a long process, actually a shame if nobody gets to see these works. What was Cassar thinking of the project?
„Out of Bounds: a new concept to Sacred Rubbings. I consciously opted to still hold the exhibition without letting the public in. Art has a life of its own, beyond time and space. Lots of people wanted to get to see the show, they sent me private messages frustrated. I used the idea to open a discussion about art, i m recording conversations with artists and art experts.
We spoke about fragments, how my works are like maps, architectural blueprints with markings.on them….names already include artist and academic Vince Briffa, fashion designer Luke Azzopardi, author and academic John Baldacchino and there are more to be recorded.“ -says Cassar

As far as possible we will publish the discussions on Arttrado, among other things we have put questions about the exhibition to the Hon. Minister of the island of Gozo.

From the idea to the exhibition
Mario Cassar: „I took the idea while visiting a cemetery and a gravestone struck my eye. It was a time when I was thinking about doing some land interventions as part of land art, however I reversed the approach. Instead of intervening/adding…I took fragments and parts of inscriptions.

Malta, France, Jerusalem, Palestine …
It was a long process of creating the works. For „Sacred Rubbings“, Cassar traveled for years in different parts of the world. Cassar took abrasions from monuments and memorials in Gozo / Malta, Paris, Jerusalem and various Palestinian cities.
„Sacred Rubbings“ wasn’t just created in a studio, as many artists work. There is work, energy, stories and life in „SacredRubbings“.
A total of 26 works will be shown until June 25th. This includes large-format works of art up to 150cm * 150cm – further exhibitions with the works are planned. Galleries and exhibition houses interested in working with Mario Cassar are welcome to use our contact.
You can find works from another series by Mario Cassar in our shop. Interview with Mario Cassar: Interview with Cassar – Artist from Malta (ENG/DE)

About Gozo
The island of Gozo is only a few minutes away from the main island of Malta. Gozo offers a picturesque landscape and an unspoiled coastline. Art and culture are tradition on the island. Gozo is one of Europe’s top diving destinations with a remarkable range of shore as well as boat dives – all within easy reach of each other. There is something for everyone on the sun-drenched, warm-hearted eco-island of Gozo. If Odysseus arrived today, he would find it even harder to leave. You can see the history of the island here in a timeline:
More Informations
The main partners of Sacred Rubbings/Out of Bounds are and Zebbug (Gozo) Local Council.
If you don’t want to miss anything from Mario Cassar, follow him on Instagram.@mariocassar75
Our current digital exhibition: „Die Sonne scheint für Alle“ von Julien Bouzoubaa
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We are currently collecting donations for the Herzsprung animal shelter, and we are raffling off a work of art worth approx. 2000 € among all donors.Aktion: Tierheim Herzsprung spenden und Kunstwerk gewinnen |